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Learning Cocoa (en anglais), by James Duncan Davidson
PDF gratuit Learning Cocoa (en anglais), by James Duncan Davidson
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Détails sur le produit
Broché: 384 pages
Editeur : O'Reilly; Édition : 2e (20 octobre 2002)
Collection : Classique US
Langue : Anglais
ISBN-10: 0596003013
ISBN-13: 978-0596003012
Dimensions du produit:
17,8 x 2,7 x 23,3 cm
Moyenne des commentaires client :
4.0 étoiles sur 5
1 commentaire client
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1.241.230 en Livres (Voir les 100 premiers en Livres)
Enfin un livre qui vous apprend aisement la programmation en Objective-c.C'est un indispensable pour tous les apprentis programmeurs. Bien plus agréable a utiliser que la lecture des tutoriaux un peu partout disponibles sur le net car il est structuré et posséde une approche globale du langage.Pour les programmeurs plus talentueux ou plus expérimentés par contre, je le déconseille car (et c'est là son principale défaut) il ne va pas très très loin (c'est pour ça qu'il n'a "que" 4 étoiles).Bref, il est plutot accès vers ceux qui se lancent dans la prog' comme moi :)
I have both this book (Learning Cocoa with Objective-C) and it's predecessor (Learning Cocoa). These are two completely different books. The first book wasn't hardly worth the paper it was printed on, as it was mostly just a thrown together collection of rag-tag tutorials from Apple's web site. Thankfully, this book is NOT the first book!Fast forward to verison II, Learning Cocoa w/ Objective C. This book is great! It covers a whole slew of topics ommitted by the first version. Thankfully the content is NOT the same as before. A tiny bit of it is similar, but for the most part one person took it upon themselves to make sure that all of the material was presented in a consistent manner. By the end of this book you'll walk through all of the steps required to write an application similar to TextEdit (provided with Mac OS X). This application will support Rich Text Formatting, save and open capabilities, spell checking and much much more. You'll be impressed with what you build in this "Learning" book. If you've ever done the REALBasic tutorial you'll find that this creates a very similar application using the Cocoa Framework and Objective-C.All the basics of learning to write MAC OS X applications with Cocoa are covered here. Unlike the first version of this book it doesn't assume you already knew Objective-C or have had exposure to NextStep. If you're looking for a good book to expose you to Cocoa and Objective-C programming buy this book and work through it all. It's worth it!This book will also guide you through using the debugger in Project Builder. You'll learn how to use the debugger print-object command and other useful debugging techniques. This book does more than just point out the fact that the debugger exists. It shows you how to apply it usefully.Another thing I like about this book is the fact that it covers NSString's in more detail than other books of the genre. You'll see examples on how to pull substrings out of NSStrings and use NSRange. You'll also see demonstartions of using NSMutableString as well. Several other books merely mention that NSMutableString exists, but then fail to show what is different between the two.The excersises at the end of each chapter are very helpful in learning Cocoa Programming too! They're not too difficult, but not too simple either. They'll make you dig and think a bit to find a solution, but not so much that you'll want to pull your hair out and give up. AND If you go happen to get stuck you'll find answers revealed in the back of the book.This book is for the most part geared towards Mac OS X 10.2, but I did manage to do all of the examples in 10.1.5 (except with the programming example that made use of the Jaguar's Address Book, of course.) This is a bonus, for some of the earlier Cocoa Programming books do not take into account newer versions of Mac OS X and thus are now a bit out of date.Surprisingly, this book is thicker too, but only because it's now on quality paper. The book actually contains fewer pages (by only a dozen or so) than the original, but Cocoa programming is covered much more thoroughly. There's not much textual fluff or irrelevant screen shots to gobble up pages; --just the right balance of what is needed to cover Cocoa and Objective-C programming for the beginning or semi-intermeddiate programmer.If you already own the first book don't worry about buying this one and receiving repeat material. These two books are not the same animal (even though the dog on the front cover is the same). They are two totally different creatures with internal organs unique to themselves. In fact, after working through the second edition you might find the first edition more useful; --as you will have gained knowledge from the second version to more completely comprehend chapters in the latter part of the frist version.One more note: THANK YOU O'REILLY & ASSOCIATES! You're breathing new life into books for the Macintosh! Be it mac-only books (like this Cocoa Programming book) or just the fact that you include MAC OS X specifics in books like "Managing and Using MySQL (2nd Edition)". Myself and I'm sure many others appreciate it. Thanks!
After reading the first edition, I wasn't at all interested in buying the second edition until I read a review that indicated that the second edition wasn't just an updated rehash of the first. Indeed, this book is completely different. Where the first book was little more than Apple's online examples in print, this book incorporates step-by-step examples of simple applications that are used to demonstrate numerous Cocoa programming topics. I got almost nothing out of the first book. I am actually feeling somewhat confident and I am making progress on a couple of projects with the knowledge I have gained from this edition.
This book is very good. It is much, much better than the first edition. It is very well written and easy to read. The examples are clear and their appear to be no major mistakes at all. The book does an effective job of introducing the reader to the major points of Cocoa programming. It gives you enough information to start writing simple programs by yourself. I believe this book is excellent preparation for the more advanced Cocoa books.
I can't decide to tell you if this is for beginners or not... I'm a beginner, but I also pick things up faster than your average bear. It's well written, gives lots of info and doesn't seem ameteurish.
While this book is very detailed and has a lot of information in it about Cocoa programming, it starts off too quickly. You might be discouraged by the assumptions the author makes about how much C (and programming in general) you know. If you are experienced in computer programming, then you will find this book to be a blast and will learn objective -C in no time at all. However, if you aren't too good with programming, start off with some online tutorials or other books, as you will get lost after reading the first two chapters or so.
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